35012 Miss Hannah, 1860s Woman Out For A Stroll

W. Britains

​​​​​​​Miss Hannah 1860s Woman out for a Stroll

Miss Hannah presents herself as a very fashionable lady of the 1860s. From the ivory point on her blue silk parasol to the Greek key ribbon-work on the hem of her dress, she embodies all that is peak of fashion. Her dress is supported with a cage crinoline (now often referred to as a “hoopskirt”). The cage crinoline allowed skirts to grow to ridiculous widths which also meant they were perfect for large geometric designs along the hem. The wide hemlines also emphasized the smallness of the waist, here set off with a simple black belt. The era of the cage crinoline was all about beauty over practicality.

1/30 scale

Matte Finish

Single figure in box

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